Why Jesus Came (1 John 3:1–10)

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Where do all the problems of the world come from? Everyone has their theory. Times can be good, people say, if we have less or more government. Others believe it is lack of food, lack of security, lack of job opportunities, and so on. All of these things can be real problems, to be sure. However, the Bible teaches us that the root of our problems goes beyond these things. It says that our basic problem is the rupture in the relationship between God and human beings.

The word that the Bible generally uses for this problem is sin. Sin is the rupture in the relationship between God and man. It is life that is not the way it’s supposed to be, as theologian Cornelius Plantinga put it. Out of this rupture comes all of our internal struggles and all the injustices and inhumanity of man to man.

When you see this problem, you see why the Bible gives the solution that it does. The solution is that someone needs to bridge the gap, a mediator, a go between. That’s who Jesus is. He is the God-man who has come to bring restoration to a lost world. So, let’s consider the message of the Bible summarized in 1 John 3:1-10. We will see the need for Jesus’ coming, the purpose of Jesus’ coming, and the result of Jesus’ coming.

The Need for Jesus’ Coming
As noted, the reason for Jesus’ coming is because of sin. God is the Lord of the universe, and He has the right to command us. We owe Him all things. To obey Him is to live as we were meant to live in accordance with the way things were meant to be.

Sin is living contrary to the reality of God’s lordship over the world. It is living as if we were a law unto ourselves, as if God did not exist and we were the masters. “Everyone who sins breaks the law; in fact, sin is lawlessness” (1 John 3:4). What is the law? That we would love, serve, and worship God and that we would live in harmony with our neighbor in accordance with the order that God has established, living honest, productive, kind, and just lives.

Another word that is used to describe this disorder and disruption between God and man is unrighteousness. To live as a righteous person is to live in a way that seeks the interests of God and the interests of our neighbor. To live in a way that we are concerned about our community in general and the poor and those in need is to live righteously. When we focus on ourselves and what is best only for us and our most immediate concerns, it is unrighteousness.

This sort of living is rampant. It is not only that we do wrong to others, but it is a lack of concern for God and His glory and for the good of others. This is sin as well. It puts us and our own concerns at the center of the universe rather than God and His will.

That people live unrighteous lives is true and obvious all around us. As theologian Reinhold Niebuhr put it, sin is the only empirically verifiable doctrine of Scripture. That doesn’t mean that the others aren’t verifiable. It’s just that we can look around and see it is true. Continue reading “Why Jesus Came (1 John 3:1–10)”

Tools of Transformation: Prayer (Luke 11:1–13)

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As you all know, this is my first week back in the pulpit since returning from Egypt. One thing that is present everywhere in Egypt is prayer. There is prayer, prayer, prayer everywhere. At 3:30, there is a man calling people to prayer: “God is great, come and pray!” When I went to the fish market, there was a group of men praying together in a little place set aside for that purpose. When Anna and I went to lunch, our guide went to a place to pray several times. Prayer is everywhere in Egypt!

And maybe it’s an experience like that which led the disciples to say, “Lord, teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples” (Luke 11:1). I look at John’s disciples, and they are praying. Why am I not praying? Jesus, help me know how to pray.

They made this request to Jesus this when Jesus Himself was praying. You see, Jesus was a man of prayer. He was always seeking His Father. He was always praying. Read through Luke’s account of Jesus’ life. You will find that Luke always notes that Jesus was praying. For example, when Jesus was transfigured or changed on the mountain, Luke tells us that this happened while Jesus was praying! The other accounts do not add this detail. You will see this everywhere in the book of Luke.

So, Jesus’ disciples knew that Jesus prayed. They wanted to become like that. They wanted to be people of prayer! That’s what led them to ask Jesus to make them people of prayer. They wanted to live in communion with the Father like Jesus did. They needed help! Do you need help becoming a person of prayer? Jesus is still ready to teach you! I want you to see this in the text today. We are going to look at it backwards, though, for reasons that I think will become clear. I want you to see the God of prayer, persistence in prayer, and the content of prayer. These are the things that Jesus wants us to understand in order to learn to pray. Continue reading “Tools of Transformation: Prayer (Luke 11:1–13)”

Tools for Transformation: The Word (2 Peter 1)

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Where We’re Going
Our passage teaches us that human beings have an amazing destiny: to participate in the divine nature. This idea goes back to Genesis. We are made in the image of God. God is the most glorious being who is creative, all wise, loving, powerful, and good, and the overflowing fountain of all good. Human beings are made to reflect that glory in a very unique way.

Now, how can human beings participate in the divine nature? Have you ever been walking along on a sunny day and not been looking up into the sun, then it’s like the rays of the sun come into your eye, and you have to look away. How can this be? Well, the sun’s light reflects off of a metal surface, and it’s like the light of the sun. That’s sort of the way that humans participate in the divine nature.

That’s the image that Peter saw when he was on the mountain of transfiguration and saw Jesus shining like the sun. He said:

For we did not follow cleverly devised stories when we told you about the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ in power, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty. He received honor and glory from God the Father when the voice came to him from the Majestic Glory, saying, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.” We ourselves heard this voice that came from heaven when we were with him on the sacred mountain.

Jesus provides a glimpse of His coming in glory. He also provides a glimpse of our coming glory. Those who belong to Jesus will shine like stars in the heavens to all eternity.

Thinking about this glorious destiny of human beings, though, inevitably makes us realize that human beings often do not reflect the glory of God. Instead, they experience “the corruption in the world caused by evil desires” (2 Pet. 1:4). Instead of becoming what we are supposed to be, we are “corrupted.” Every few years, I get a new lawn mower, it seems. When I first get it, it runs just fine. However, by the next season, it doesn’t run as well. It’s been corrupted. Now, no doubt this is due in part to my failure to maintain it properly, so I don’t want you to become too angry at the lawn mower. However, that’s the idea of the corruption. It’s not working correctly for the purpose for which it was intended. That’s corruption. Continue reading “Tools for Transformation: The Word (2 Peter 1)”